Fyxxi: Innovative ICT-STE(A)M lab and makerspace

Fyxxi is a project of eduCentrum vzw . Fyxxi is:

  • an innovative classroom in Ghent, the Fyxxilab , open during school hours for class groups who, under our guidance, work entrepreneurially with ICT tools related to STEAM education,
  • camps and theme days for children and young people up to 16 years old outside school hours,
  • events and conferences around ICT&STEAM education,
  • training for teachers on all kinds of ICT-STEAM tools.

The Fyxxilab contains an incredible and always up-to-date range of educational kits from LEGO Education ( WeDo , Mindstorms EV3, StoryStarter ), MaKey MaKey, Arduino, Kano, ...

You can get started with all kinds of programmable robots: Bee-Bot, Pro-Bot , Cubetto, Ohbot , Dwengo , Pi2Go , ... You will receive an explanation about each robot and what it can be used for. Work can also be done around drones.

We work with apps around creativity and programming (i3 iMO-LEARN, Osmo, Kodable , Hopscotch , Kodu, Scratch , Blockly, Lightbot, The Fooz, Run Marco, Scratch for Arduino, Codecademy, Python, ...).

Most tools and apps include teaching materials and we describe the final objectives and curriculum objectives (for the various educational networks) that you can achieve with them.

The Fyxxilab is the first educational makerspace in Flanders with various 3D printers, a laser cutter, a vinyl cutter, a desktop freezing machine, ...

With tools such as the Eggbot and the Watercolorbot we can work very creatively and combine STEM with the A for Arts.

Thanks to the wide range of tools and machines, visitors can work individually. This makes the Fyxxilab the most inspiring location in Flanders in the field of STEAM education, for young and old.

STEAM = Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics

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